
Personalize Anytime Mastercard cards with your logo

Anytime offers you the possibility of personalizing Mastecard cards with your company logo. To benefit from this service, you need to subscribe to the Corporate package.


You can personalize Anytime cards with your company logo. You will need to supply a logo with a white background and the following specifications:

Company logo

  • Size: 226px x 119px
  • Poids : <64ko
  • Format: non-interlaced, non-progressive JPEG1.
  • Resolution: 240dpi
  • Background: white

Your company logo should be on a white background, as it will be printed on white Mastercard cards.

As soon as we receive your logo, it will take an average of 3 to 4 weeks for it to be added to the Anytime production line, and for your first cards to come off the production line.

Customized card with your logo

Full customization

Full card personalization is available if you order a large volume of Mastercard cards. The more Mastercard cards you order, the lower the unit price. Mastercard personalization includes the front and back of the card. You can also personalize the mailer that accompanies the card.

Example of a complete Mastercard design

How much does this service cost?

Personalizing the card with your logo will require a quote from us, and will depend on the number of cards ordered.

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