
Prepaid cards for employees: how they work and their benefits

In a company, managing expense claims is a waste of time and money. Indeed, the cost of an expense claim is estimated at €53 on average, including the time the employee spends filling it in, then the time each department needs to process it. Nevertheless, the arrival of fintech has revolutionized management methods, simplifying certain procedures to the extreme. With prepaid bank cards, goodbye expense claims, hello simplicity.

How a prepaid bank card works

The prepaid pro card is very similar to the classic pro card, in that it is a payment card. The essential difference is that the prepaid card allows you to spend only the money allocated to it, and does not authorize overdraft. The ceiling is set by a manager, who can then modify it in real time via the Internet or an application. Once the limit has been reached, the card is blocked. It is no longer possible for the cardholder to make a payment.

Like any payment card, the prepaid card works equally well for online purchases and physical payments. It can take the form of a physical or virtual card. You can also choose a card for multiple or single use.

Time-saving, worry-free expense management

The number-one advantage of a prepaid pro card is the ease with which you can manage your business expenses. Integrated into a complete solution such as Anytime's pro offer, comprising an alternative current account to the bank, one or more prepaid pro cards and an ergonomic management application, it represents a considerable time-saver for employees and managers alike.

For the employee

Employees with a prepaid card can use it to pay their business expenses. This eliminates the need to pay in advance, as payment is made directly via a company account. The transaction then appears on the application. All you need to do is attach the receipt in a few clicks, so that the manager can validate the expense. This eliminates the need to fill out large quantities of documents destined to travel to the various departments concerned. Lost receipts are no longer a source of stress, and the average 20 minutes spent filling in an expense claim is a distant memory.

For the finance department

The benefits are just as obvious for the company's financial department. Expense claims without receipts are no longer a daily occurrence, and every expense can be validated at the touch of a fingertip, in real time. Card payment limits can be modified as required. A card can also be blocked remotely in the event of inappropriate use. Each expense is linked to the employee registered as the cardholder, for easier tracking. The absence of reimbursements also frees up valuable time in the finance department. The time saved by using the application is on the order of several days a month for the RAF (Financial and Administrative Manager).

For accounting

The same time-savings apply to accounting. Firstly, management of business expenses is much faster, since all documents are computerized and centralized. As a result, the checks that accountants have to carry out are much less time-consuming. Secondly, the considerable advantage of using a prepaid card in conjunction with an application is that integration with accounting or ERP software can be fully automated. Each expense is automatically imported into the expense account to which it belongs, and VAT is allocated automatically. This is a major time-saver, especially in a company where business expenses incurred by employees are commonplace.

Real security for the company

A prepaid card, by definition, has a payment limit that cannot be exceeded under any circumstances. This ceiling can be managed by a manager in real time via the application. The card can even be blocked in the event of misuse. This represents a definite security measure for the company, while leaving employees a great deal of freedom.

At Anytime, prepaid business cards are linked to an unbanked account, which itself has no overdraft facility. This is a second safeguard for the company's financial health. Indeed, if there are insufficient funds in the account, cardholders can no longer make purchases.

Finally, if the company opts for a single-use card, generally used to pay for purchases on the Internet, security is reinforced because the card is generated for a specific purchase, of a certain amount. This means that, in the event of piracy, anyone who managed to retrieve the card's information could do absolutely nothing with it.

secure professional card

Logistics identical to other payment cards

Contrary to what you might think, the prepaid card is universal. It can be used in France and abroad, in a store, on the Internet or at a toll booth. The fact that it is a systematic authorization card is no obstacle to its use.

Like any payment card, the prepaid pro card is valid for 4 years, unless it's a temporary single-use card.

The prepaid Mastercard cards included in the Anytime pro offer great flexibility to businesses. Thanks to their ease of use, they save time and money on a daily basis. In addition to the financial benefits, the result is a more comfortable working atmosphere, in which the tensions associated with managing expense accounts are eliminated.

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