
How can we assess the quality of service and financial performance of facilities for people with disabilities?

Medical-social centers dedicated to the care and well-being of people with disabilities (PSH) are key players in our society, offering services tailored to their specific needs. To guarantee sustainable, high-quality support, it is crucial to ensure both impeccable service and sound financial management.

As a facility manager, discover here the best practices and indicators for assessing the quality of your services to your patients, and the health and financial performance of your PSH facility.

Assessing the quality of your services

To assess the quality of your services, there are five key elements to consider.

1. Resident satisfaction

To continually improve the services offered by your medical-social center for PSH, there's nothing like gathering opinions and feedback from your residents and their families. Whether through satisfaction surveys, individual interviews or group discussions, every opinion counts. Their personal experiences and comments are invaluable guides for evaluating and perfecting your practices.

2. The quality of your care and support

Observe the interactions between your staff and your patients. Are the people working at your facility sufficiently available and competent in their field? Examine your protocols and procedures: are they effective in ensuring quality care?

3. Accessibility and adaptation

When assessing your facility for the disabled, consider the specific needs of your residents. Make sure that the facilities are accessible, that the necessary equipment is available and that the activities offered are adapted to various types of disability. This assessment will help you determine whether your facility meets the unique needs of people with disabilities.

4. Respect for dignity and autonomy

When evaluating your PSH facility, make sure it respects the dignity and autonomy of your residents. Check that your beneficiaries are treated with respect, that they are involved in the decisions that concern them, and that they have the opportunity to participate in activities that encourage their autonomy. Such an approach guarantees an environment where your residents feel valued and supported in their personal development.

5. Compliance with standards and regulations

Make sure you comply with current standards and regulations concerning the reception of people with disabilities. This means regular inspections to ensure compliance with safety, hygiene and accessibility requirements. By complying with these standards, you can provide a safe and suitable environment for your residents, while ensuring their well-being and comfort.

Assessing financial performance

When assessing financial performance, several indicators need to be analyzed by social facility managers. These include budget, expenses, revenues, profitability ratios and costs per beneficiary. These five indicators provide a complete picture of your center's financial health, enabling you to make informed decisions to ensure its long-term survival and success.

1. The budget

Rigorous budget management, combined with regular monitoring of revenues and expenses, is an essential pillar in maintaining healthy financial performance. To achieve this, it is essential to draw up realistic budget forecasts and ensure that the established budget is adhered to. This process ensures optimum use of financial resources, and helps prevent any budget deviations.

2. Analysis of your expenses

To assess the financial health of your facility, a thorough analysis of expenses is essential. Categorize these expenses by budget item, such as personnel, food, equipment and maintenance. This will help you toidentify the areas where expenditure is highest, and thus provide an opportunity to look for optimization solutions to control costs and improve the center's overall financial efficiency.

3. Analysis of your income

Take a close look at the various sources of revenue, whether government subsidies, contributions from residents or their families, or donations. This in-depth revenue analysis will give you a better understanding of the stability and diversity of your funding sources, which is crucial to ensuring balanced and sustainable financial management.

4. Profitability ratio

To assess how effectively your hospitality business manages its financial resources, calculate the profitability ratio. This ratio compares revenues generated with expenses incurred, giving you a clear picture of your facility's economic performance.

5. Analysis of costs per resident

To better assess the financial impact of each resident on your facility, it's a good idea to analyze costs per resident. This analysis enables you to estimate the amount of expenditure in relation to the number of residents cared for, thus providing a more accurate picture of your facility's financial management.

The importance of communication and continuous improvement

Transparent communication is essential for sharing the results of your assessments with your staff, beneficiaries and their families. Set up open communication channels to foster an environment of trust and facilitate coordination between multidisciplinary team members.

Continuous improvement is fundamental to adapting your services to residents' changing needs. By regularly reviewing your practices and processes, you can identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions.

Ongoing training of your PSH center's staff is also crucial to maintaining high standards.