
The benefits of setting up a family association and the steps involved in making it a reality

Among the various forms of association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, family associations stand out for their mission to defend the material and moral interests of families. Although their activities may vary, they always converge on themes such as education, health, housing, leisure, child protection, access to social services and other aspects of family life.

This article explores the reasons behind setting up your own family association, while providing practical advice on how to make it a reality.

What is a family association?

It is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interests and well-being of families. Its main aim is to represent families and defend their rights in dealings with the authorities, institutions and society in general.

Involved in a variety of initiatives, she can take part in awareness-raising campaigns and organize recreational and cultural activities such as leisure clubs, hiking groups and tutoring sessions.

What's more, the family association is a place where members can exchange and share experiences.

Family associations under the French 1901 law can be set up by anyone with an interest in family matters, provided there are at least two of them, they are at least 16 years old and have the will and capacity to associate. They are defined by the Code de l'Action Sociale et des Familles (CASF), which implies operating rules that are often distinct from those of other 1901-law associations.

By joiningUNAF (Union Nationale des Associations Familiales), family associations can play an active role in debates and decisions concerning family policy in France. They play an important role in representing families and promoting their rights throughout the country.

Why should you set up a family association?

Creating a family association gives you the opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that affect families, both among the public and among legislators. By joining forces, you can advocate for laws and policies that support and improve the quality of life for families, both locally and nationally.

There's also nothing to stop you intervening to defend the rights of a specific category of families (whether based on their religion, family situation, place of residence, struggle with an illness, and many other criteria), or of a single family in particular.

You can also focus your efforts on providing practical, legal, psychological or financial support to families in difficulty, combating domestic violence, isolation, discrimination and abuse, and working to reduce the stigma surrounding these issues. Setting up a family association is therefore a concrete way for you to take action and make a significant difference to the lives of families in difficulty.

Create your family association in 5 steps

To create your family association, follow these 5 steps, which are similar to those for other associations under the 1901 law:

  1. Clearly define the association's objectives and give it an appropriate name.
  2. Draw up the articles of association, specifying the purpose, name, address and duration of your association, as well as the procedures for its operation, modification and dissolution.
  3. Appoint the members of the executive committee: the president, the treasurer and, if necessary, the secretary, who will ensure sound financial management and the proper use of funds in the association's account.
  4. Register your association by completing the cerfa n°13973*04 form and submitting it, along with the required documents, to your local prefecture.
  5. Publish a notice of incorporation in the JOAFE.

The formalities can be carried out online via the e-creation of an association service on, the official website of the French administration.