You are
an association

  • Manage your cash flow and collect your contributions by card
  • Eliminate the risks associated with cash circulation
  • Simplify the treasurer's accounting life

Count on us for your association!

Your projects deserve a secure, yet flexible and accessible financial environment. Rely on our pro account tailored to the needs of the associative sector.

Pay your expenses without cash.

Say goodbye to cash constraints and enjoy the benefits of Mastercard Anytime! Entrust teams with secure, configurable cards to better manage your spending. When a purchase is made, the cardholder receives a notification, takes a photo of the receipt and uploads it directly via the application. It will then be attached to the corresponding transaction. No more misplaced receipts and the stress of losing money!

Real-time notifications to keep track of your operations.

An auto-entrepreneur manages everything at once. Thanks to real-time tracking of your expenses on your smartphone, managing your finances is simplified! A transfer, a direct debit, a card transaction... For each operation, you receive instant notification! You stay in control of your finances. In the event of suspicious transactions, you can act quickly ✅

Control each team's budget.

You're no longer caught off guard! From the platform, the treasurer has all the tools needed to instantly view all expenses and manage budgets. He or she can also block or unblock a card, or retrieve the PIN code. Expenses are controlled, while giving teams greater autonomy?

Cash in with a payment terminal.

Today, having a payment terminal to collect membership fees is a must! Aware that conventional card payment solutions are inflexible, costly and require commitment, Anytime has forged partnerships with innovative players to offer you fast, affordable and flexible card payment solutions. Don't miss out on membership again!

Sub-accounts to anticipate your expenses.

Fixed costs or projects are foreseeable, so take advantage of them! To optimize your cash management, opt for sub-accounts. How does it work? A parallel account where you set aside part of your money. Anticipate your expenses (VAT, Urssaf, salaries...) or your projects (purchase of equipment...) No more worries, you're in control of your cash flow?

Simplify your accounting.

Accounting is often the bête noire of entrepreneurs! Anytime's ambition is to make you love the end of the month? Your VAT is calculated automatically, and your receipts are attached to each of your transactions. Your exports are easy to generate and integrate into your accounting system. A large number of tools on the market also allow you to benefit from automatic feedback of your transactions?

They use Anytime

Our offers for
associations and foundations

How to create your association

Anytime can help you


Drafting the articles of association


Registering with the prefecture


Obtain a SIRET number

Frequently asked questions

Are all associations accepted?
In general, the Board of Directors or Executive Committee designates the person(s) authorized to open and manage the account. Very often, this is the association's President or Treasurer 🤝
If more than one person is authorized, the minutes of the deliberation must specify this. This document is requested when the pro association account is opened 📄
Why open a pro account for your association?
Only associations registered with the Prefecture can open an account.
💬 Opening a business bank account dedicated to the running of the association is not a legal obligation (law 1901). In fact, no text requires it, but in practice it's almost impossible to run your association without opening a pro account.
What are the advantages over a personal account?
If the association decides to open a special account, it will be in the name of the association's legal representative. He or she will therefore be responsible for this account in a personal capacity, as a natural person 👤
In terms of legal liability, the implication is not the same. When opening a business account, it is the association, as a legal entity, that will be legally responsible ⚖️
In addition to the protection of funds linked to a pro account, you will be able to benefit from numerous advantages, such as the issue of Mastercard cards, the possibility of ordering payment terminals or benefiting from various cash collection solutions...✨
Do I need an RNA number to open an account?

💡RNA stands for Répertoire National des Associations (RNA ). To open a business account, you must have this RNA number, as it constitutes proof that your association does indeed exist. This register records all French associations under the 1901 law whose registered office is in metropolitan France (except Moselle, Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, or overseas departments).

🖥 To find your RNA number, you can consult it on the government platform or on the official online journal

When should an association issue invoices?
As soon asan association is registered, it can issue invoices 🧾
If the association sells goods or services, this is mandatory (article 289, 1-a of the French General Tax Code). The fact that the association's activities are not subject to VAT or that it is not registered with INSEE or RCS (and therefore does not have a Siret number) does not exempt it from issuing an invoice 🚨

💬 For an invoice to be admissible, it must include: details of the association, the invoice number, the date, a description of the service provided and, finally, the price.
Does VAT apply?
In principle, an association that is not considered to be engaged in a profit-making activity is not subject to commercial taxes. In this case, none of the association's resources are subject to corporate income tax or VAT ✅

The legal mechanism enabling the association to invoice without VAT is as follows:
- "Association exonérée des impôts commerciaux", if it is exempt from VAT due to its non-profit nature
- "TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI", if it benefits from the basic VAT exemption (activity normally subject to VAT but not exceeding the threshold)

💬 In addition, article 283, 3 of the CGI stipulates that VAT indicated in error on the invoice must obligatorily be repaid to the Public Treasury.
What information must appear on the invoice?
✅ For an invoice to be admissible, the following information must appear on it:

- Date the invoice was issued
- Invoice numbering
- Identity of the buyer (Name or company name, registered office address, invoicing address)
- Identity of the association (Company name followed by RNA or Siren number, address of registered office)
- VAT number (if applicable)
- Description of product or service
- Detailed breakdown of each service and product supplied
- Price excluding VAT and including VAT (VAT rate if applicable, or state that VAT is not applicable, art. 293 B du CGI. If the association is exempt from VAT due to its non-profit nature, it should indicate on the invoice "Association exonérée des impôts commerciaux")
- Date on which payment must be made
Does an association have to issue an invoice for membership fees or donations?
The membership fee entitles the payer to become a member of the association. It is paid annually by cash, cheque, bank transfer, credit card or, sometimes, online payment 🚀
It is not necessary to issue an invoice to justify payment of the membership fee, but the association must issue a receipt. This is a document certifying that person X has made a payment to Y.

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