You are a an SCI

Finances as solid as the foundations of your buildings

Benefit from cutting-edge financial solutions to help you develop your business

Real-time notifications to track your cash receipts.

With the Anytime pro account, you receive real-time notification of every transaction on your smartphone! You can efficiently monitor your rent collection and keep control of your finances. ✅

Sub-accounts to pay your taxes and charges

Fixed expenses or projects are foreseeable, so take advantage of them! To optimize your cash management, opt for sub-accounts. How does it work? A parallel account where you set aside part of your money. Anticipate your expenses (VAT, Urssaf, salaries, etc.) or your projects (works, etc.) No more worries, you manage your cash flow 🏎

Sub-accounts to reconcile your rents

What if you assigned the management of a property to an Anytime sub-account? Everything stays where it belongs! You can then isolate the operations dedicated to each property, but also take advantage of real-time monitoring, while having a 360° view from your Anytime Customer Area 🔥

Digitize your receipts and detect VAT.

Expense management is a real burden for companies. With Anytime, it's child's play! 😎 Simply take a photo of the receipt and upload it directly via the app. It will then be attached to the corresponding transaction. Take it a step further by choosing certified dematerialization of expense claims. No more misplaced receipts! ✨

Our offer for real estate companies, property managers and real estate agencies

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to open a bank account as an SCI?
In practical terms, the law does not require you to open a bank account to register your SCI. However, it is advisable to open one to avoid tax problems in the future.

👉 For certain operations, such as a cash contribution, you will also need a bank account. Similarly, if you need to collect rent, opening a business account will be more than useful ✅

Opening a dedicated business bank account will avoid confusion between your personal assets and the assets of your SCI.
Do I have to choose a Compte pro if I'm an SCI?
Anytime is a pro account perfectly suited to the SCI typology ✅
100% digital, you can manage your account simply as a legal entity. You also have a personal account in your own name to categorize your expenses properly 🔥

In the event of a tax audit, it will be easy to distinguish between personal and SCI assets. What's more, at the time of sale, the existence of a business account in the SCI's name eliminates accusations of a fictitious SCI. Opening a business account with Anytime guarantees the authenticity of your SCI.

Thanks to Anytime, you can have a business account up and running in just a few minutes, at a fraction of the cost of traditional banks.

Who can open the Anytime account for members of my SCI?
The Anytime account must be opened by the SCI manager defined in the company's articles of association.

Partners may have the right to consult the account by creating a third-party access: simply provide us with proof of identity, proof of address dated less than three months and a power of attorney from the manager 🤝

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