
How disability foundations diversify their sources of income

By multiplying its sources of income, your foundation dedicated to people with disabilities (PSH) is better equipped to cope with fluctuations in its funding and reduce its dependency, reinforcing its financial stability and ability to pursue its mission over the long term. Your foundation needs to implement a sound financial strategy and continually adapt its approach to the changing needs of its beneficiaries and donors.

PSH foundations generally diversify their sources of income in a number of ways to ensure their sustainability. Discover four commonly used methods in this article.

Fundraising, a popular method

Foundations dedicated to supporting people with disabilities frequently organize a variety of events, adapted to their mission, target audience and resources:

  • Charity galas, a formal event with dinners, speeches, silent auctions and entertainment to attract high-end donors.
  • Charity dinners where guests pay for a quality meal in a more intimate setting, with the proceeds going to the foundation.
  • Charity runs or walks where participants raise funds from sponsors to take part.
  • Sports tournaments such as golf, tennis, basketball... where registration fees generate income for the foundation.
  • Concerts, shows or themed evenings such as a costume party where ticket sales support the cause.
  • Auctions featuring objects or works of art, with proceeds going to the foundation.
  • Volunteer programs where companies or individuals sponsor volunteer days, raising funds based on the number of hours worked.
  • Online fundraising campaigns to reach a wider audience.
  • Lotteries selling tickets at attractive prices.

Collaborating with local or national companies within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to create special promotions or joint initiatives, where part of the proceeds are donated to the foundation's account, is an option worth considering. These partnerships are a mutually beneficial source of revenue, offering companies a positive image by participating in a noble cause.

Good to remember: before planning such activities for your foundation, it's essential to define your target audience, establish clear objectives, and check that you have the resources to organize these events successfully. And don't forget that transparency about the use of funds is essential to building donor confidence.

Individual and planned giving

Individual donations, from philanthropic individuals or companies deeply committed to the cause, remain an important source of funding. To continually expand your donor base, your PSH foundation needs to implement monthly giving programs, targeted awareness campaigns and donor retention strategies.

Planned gifts such as bequests and testamentary donations can be encouraged. These forms of giving are commitments that can help ensure the foundation's long-term financial stability.

These funds are essential to finance programs, support services and activities aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Public subsidies

For your PSH foundation, you can apply for local, regional, national and even international grants to finance your programs.

However, certain conditions must be met, in particular:

  • Have an appropriate legal status, usually non-profit; 
  • To be registered with the prefecture;
  • Be in line with the funder's priorities. Some funding agencies may have specific disability-related guidelines that are important to address.
  • Demonstrate the quality, viability and social impact of your activities by providing indicators of success and ways of assessing the effectiveness of your interventions.


You canoptimize your resources by investing your assets wisely, whether in shares, bonds, real estate or innovative start-ups. Some projects, such as the creation of affordable housing, can generate long-term income while helping disadvantaged populations.

In addition, to support your philanthropic activities, and if the law allows you to do so, you could consider offering related services for a fee, such as specialized vocational training, consulting services, or the sale of handicrafts made by disabled people.