
Solutions to put an end to paper receipts

The massive adoption of digital technology in our daily lives is an undeniable phenomenon. However, certain practices persist, notably the production and retention of paper receipts. But this situation is changing. The anti-waste law for a circular economy, adopted in February 2020, will force businesses to say goodbye to paper receipts from 2024. Discover in this article the solutions for digitizing your paper receipts.

Digital payment terminals

Digital payment terminals make it possible to carry out transactions without printing tickets. They enable :
- send invoices directly by e-mail or SMS,
- record transactions online
- and retrieve it when needed. 

This solution offers many advantages, particularly in terms of time savings and efficiency. What's more, it's in line with the more modern usage of users, who appreciate this type of solution. It also offers the possibility of rethinking the notion of storage and eliminating paper archiving. 

Applications for loading and storing receipts

Some applications, such asAnytime, allow you to upload PDF, JPG or PNG receipts directly from your smartphone. All you have to do is justify your expenditure in just a few clicks, saving an estimated 13 minutes per receipt

Storage with probative value

What's more, the application allows you to store supporting documents with probative value. This means you no longer have to keep paper documents: the digital version contains all the evidence required by thetax authorities. A more secure and less logistically burdensome solution to meet companies' obligations to keep invoices for many years. 

How does it work?


This type of solution saves time and reduces the costs associated with managing and storing receipts. It also offers greater security and reliability in document storage. 

To sum up, the digitization of receipts is not just an ecological commitment, it will be a legal obligation from 2024 for companies. From now on, you can take advantage of this constraint while making savings linked to paper receipts (from their printing to their storage). The good news is that there are cost-efficient solutions to help you make the leap. In short, you'll be legally compliant and save money at the same time.

Ready to discover Anytime offers? Make an appointment with our teams to choose the solution that suits you best.