
Why trust a developer?

Each project has its own initial specificities and requirements, which develop over time. In the IT world, updates are frequent, as are the appearance of new functionalities. To keep your site, platform or software functional, attractive and competitive, you need to pay close attention to programming. Several solutions are available: use self-propelled systems, learn the nuts and bolts of the technology, or work with a professional. Find out more about the advantages of working with a developer.

Site customization

CMS or free, open-source content management platforms such as Wordpress or Wix make it easy to create a showcase site or blog. Similarly, SaaS software such as Shopify or Magento make it easy to set up an e-commerce site.

These solutions feature numerous plug-ins and customization modules to try and make each site different. However, although the various CMS make every effort to facilitate these steps, it takes a minimum of training or hours of testing and practice to achieve the desired visual and structural effect.

Calling in a developer saves time, which you can spend on your core business rather than on adjusting the various code parameters. What's more, it enables the implementation of a unique design and functionalities, 100% adapted to the needs of the project. In today's ultra-connected and fiercely competitive world, this is an invaluable competitive advantage.

Program performance

A website is an essential component of the image conveyed by a brand or company. A large-scale project needs visibility if it is to develop and stand out from the crowd. While the offer must be carefully crafted and highlighted through the visual environment and mastery of content marketing, certain technical details can affect the overall positioning of a project on the web.

The developer then works on page performance by optimizing back-office parameters: hosting management, display settings, load time reduction...

Online data security

Site updates need to be downloaded regularly. No apparent difficulty, since notifications appear as reminders. However, it can happen that certain security updates call into question the proper functioning of the site, due in particular to the theme chosen.

Between the threat of being left without an operational platform and the cybersecurity challenges of dematerializing data, the presence of a developer ensures optimal day-to-day management and rapid resolution of any bugs.

Tracking technological innovations

Web development is a field where technologies are constantly innovating: competitive intelligence, responsive functionalities, mobile applications... Whatever the sector, rapid change is essential to meet consumer demands and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

To ensure the success of the project, the programmer helps develop a solid digital strategy and continuous improvement of practices in lean mode.

Project viability

Fund-raising is sometimes a prerequisite for the viability of a company or the creation of a start-up. From an economic point of view, it can be reassuring for future investors to see that the project has a solid technical foundation.

There are a number of options to consider, and it's worth taking some time to think them through: using a freelance service provider, hiring an in-house programmer or teaming up with a developer... The choice depends mainly on the purpose of the project.

Some will be happy with a basic e-commerce platform for online sales. Others will simply need a space for content editing, and will be satisfied with the properties of a blog. But when it comes to combining different functionalities, it's a good idea to call on the skills of someone who masters the various coding languages (Javascript, HTML, CSS...) to benefit from tailor-made expertise.