
Remote payment by credit card or bank transfer has never been easier!

When you're a professional, the first thing you look for is sales. We watch it evolve day after day, month after month. You analyze it. You break it down to find out where it comes from. We congratulate ourselves, or look for solutions to improve it. Then, the second thing we look at carefully is the account statement. After all, generating sales is all very well, but getting paid is what keeps your business going and helps to boost your cash flow.

We make the links between invoices and payments, and find that we are regularly experiencing significant delays. Late payers are dunned, and time is wasted. In short, you're chasing money, but in the meantime, you're not doing your job, and profitability takes a hit.

But with the arrival of neo-banks on the market, there are now solutions for getting paid remotely without wasting time. Simple solutions designed by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs - and that changes everything. You know in real time when a payment has been made.


How do you install a payment button on your website?

If you're setting up online sales on your website, a payment module is absolutely essential to boost sales. There are various ways of accepting online payments. However, the easiest to set up is the payment button, like the one offered by Anytime

How does the payment button work?

Installing the Anytime payment button is very simple and takes just a few minutes. All you have to do is copy and paste a piece of code onto your website to make the button appear. Everything is already set up to link to your Anytime pro account, so you don't have to set up anything yourself. As soon as your customers' credit cards are debited, your account is credited in real time, and you are notified by email or SMS.

This remote payment solution is secured by Smart 3D-secure control to optimize transactions on your website. Your customers must enter a confirmation code received by SMS for the transaction to be validated.

Anytime customer website


Anytime payment window

Why is the payment button the ideal solution for your online store?

Setting up the Anytime payment button is quicker than installing an online payment application. What's more, it's already linked to your account, so you don't have to waste time setting it up, and you can get your money back in real time. If you need to, you can also integrate several of them on your site.

Totally secure, this remote payment solution is also very simple for your customers, who won't waste any time. So you can increase your site's conversion rate with ease.

How do I send payment links by SMS or email?

If your business does not require an immediate payment method on your website, Anytime has set up a payment link to be sent by SMS or email.

How does the payment link work?

Ideal for freelancers, self-employed professionals or artisans who pay by invoice, the payment link is particularly easy to use, for both contractor and customer. In your Anytime application, all you have to do is enter the amount and your customer's phone number or email address to send them a payment request. When the customer receives the request, all they have to do is enter their credit card details to pay immediately. Payment is completed in just a few minutes.

  • Log in to your anytime customer area
  • Click on "Transfer".
  • Click on "Payment request

Application Anytime payment request


SMS payment sent by Anytime

Why it's the ideal remote payment solution

When you email your invoice to your customer, nothing could be simpler than sending the corresponding payment link. As soon as they receive the invoice, customers can pay without having to make a bank transfer. This saves time, speeds up payment and costs you nothing. In this way, you can avoid having to follow up the many customers who forget to make the transfer.

Professional accounts such as Anytime, also known as payment institutions, offer solutions designed to make everyday life easier for entrepreneurs and businesses. By opening an alternative account to the banks, you benefit from tools that are both simple and effective, for remote payment as well as for all other operations linked to your business. No need to visit a branch, you can control everything at your fingertips with just a few clicks.

If your customer's credit card won't work, opt for a bank transfer!

We're all pretty familiar with bank transfers. It's been around for a long time, and can be made from any bank to any other bank. Don't forget to add your Anytime IBAN to your invoices for easier payment.

How do transfers work?

Transfers can be made at a branch or online, from your secure account or a financial application. Transfers can be programmed or carried out in real time. To make a transfer, your customer must have your IBAN. Transfers can be made to or from abroad, and are particularly secure. There is always a record of the transfer. Anytime provides its customers with a dedicated nominative IBAN, and you are alerted in real time as soon as funds are credited to your account.

When should a bank transfer be prioritized?

Some banks charge a fee for transfers, especially international transfers. At Anytime, international transfers in the SEPA zone are included in your package at no extra cost.
Please note that transfers are non-repudiable. In other words, unlike a credit card payment, it is irreversible and cannot be contested. There is also a time limit for the transfer to take effect. This can range from 24 hours to 4 days, depending on whether the transfer is internal to the bank, external or international. 

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