
Accounting for small businesses and the self-employed: how can online business accounts meet your needs?

Do you run a small business, are you a craftsman, or are you self-employed as a sole trader or micro-business? Your time is precious, and you're looking for simple solutions to manage your day-to-day business. Although accounting tasks can sometimes seem daunting, managing them properly is essential to your company's financial health. As a small business, you need the right tools for the size of your business.

Online business accounts offer a range of intuitive services designed specifically to suit the accounting needs of small professionals.

Self-employed, micro-entrepreneurs, very small businesses: is your company obliged to open a business account?

If you've chosen to set up a very small business (VSE), launch a freelance consulting business or offer your services on a freelance basis, you know how seriously you need to take the management of your business. Before diving into customer assignments and financial management, you need to determine your legal status.

In addition to social security contributions, taxation, number of partners and financial responsibilities, your choice of legal form influences whether or not you need to open a business account.

For example, the creation of a company with share capital (SARL, SAS, EURL, SASU...) requires the opening of a business current account in order to register the company. Similarly, a sole proprietorship with a commercial activity must have an account separate from its personal finances.

However, not all small businesses are required to open a pro account, including :

  • Sole proprietorships (EI) that do not trade;
  • Micro-entrepreneurs with sales of less than €10,000.

Yet even in these specific cases, using a dedicated banking solution offers advantages for the day-to-day management of small professionals. Separating personal financial transactions simplifies your company's accounting.

What's more, online accounts offer packages tailored to the needs of smaller structures, providing additional functionalities for managing your business.

Online pro account functionalities tailored to the accounting needs of small professionals

You've opted for independence to focus on your core expertise. Managing finances, social security contributions, tax returns... can quickly become time-consuming and complex. So you're looking for an efficient tool that simplifies your day-to-day bookkeeping. Online accounts for very small businesses, the self-employed and micro-businesses offer innovative functionalities that are far more comprehensive than traditional bank solutions.

At Anytime, our offers go far beyond simply providing an IBAN for receiving and issuing payments. They also include a whole range of services designed to simplify your day-to-day accounting.

Configurable bank cards

With our online accounts for VSEs and micro-businesses, you can obtain one or more bank cards for your business expenses, and those of your teams if required. These physical Mastercards offer optimum security and are fully customizable to suit your specific needs.

What's more, virtual cards are also available to facilitate your online business transactions, giving you maximum flexibility in managing your finances.

Automatic VAT calculation

The management interface automates the calculation of VAT for your company subject to this tax. It uses the associated invoices to automatically determine the amount to be allocated to VAT.

This intuitive feature gives you a clear preview of deductible VAT and profit on sales, simplifying your accounting management and enabling you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Creation of sub-accounts for provisions for service charges

You can create sub-accounts that function like budget envelopes, allowing you toisolate part of your income to create provisions for expenses. These funds, although separate from your main account, are integrated into your cost accounting.

Thanks to this functionality, you can dedicate these sums of money to paying your taxes or Urssaf contributions, ensuring more efficient management of your finances.

Best of all, transfers to sub-accounts can be fully automated, based on a pre-set percentage of your sales. This allows you to further simplify your financial management and concentrate on developing your business.

Certified dematerialization of expense reports

Thanks to the expense management interface linked to the online account's bank cards, you can now use digital copies of your paper receipts. This archiving solution, which guarantees the legal validity of your expense claim photos, greatly simplifies your accounting processes.

With this feature, accounting reconciliations become simpler, and you considerably reduce the risk of losing your receipts. What's more, you save precious time by avoiding the tedious filing of paper receipts.

Integrated billing tool

Some online business account packages include a complete invoicing tool. This tool enables you to manage every stage of the invoicing process, from quotation creation to receipt of payment. You can even make payments via a mobile terminal or online link.

Using this feature, you can centralize the monitoring of your customer base, manage unpaid invoices and carry out any necessary reminders, all from a single location, considerably simplifying the administrative management of your business.

Insurance included

In the course of your professional activity, you may be exposed to various levels of liability. However, thanks to our partnership with your payment institution, you can benefit from insurance included in your chosen package.

This insurance covers various professional risks, such as professional civil liability (RC pro), protection of means of payment, legal assistance and commercial defense. These ancillary services are designed to ensure your peace of mind and protect you against any risks associated with your business.

Integrated tax dashboard

As well as sending you real-time notifications of transactions on your business account, our service also reminds you of deadlines you shouldn't miss. Whether it's for sales declarations, VAT payments or employee social security returns, you no longer have to worry about the tax calendar. We'll help you keep up to date with the latest regulations.

You then have the option of providing your accountant with specific access to your online account. You can also choose to integrate the Anytime API with your accounting software, or simply export the necessary data.