Finance Innovation: Libeo wins the 2019 "Fintech of the Year" award

Every year, Pôle Finance Innovation sources and labels the best fintech projects. In 2019, start-up Libeo won the "Fintech of the Year" award succeeding Stratumn, which developed a technology mixing Blockchain and cryptography to strengthen the security of data exchanges between companies.

Dematerialize supplier invoice management for VSEs and SMEs

Founded in January 2019 by Pierre Dutaret, Jérémy Attuil and Pierre-Antoine Glandier, Libeo is reinventing the management and payment of supplier invoices. The startup realized that financial management within SMEs was very time-consuming and manual, resulting in a considerable loss of time (on average 10 hours per week). The company's founders aim to give company directors, CFOs and accountants back control of their finances.

Libeo's offer enables supplier invoices to be dematerialized and centralized within a single interface, then paid directly by email without having to enter an IBAN. The aim is to offer VSEs and SMEs an experience as simple as that offered by Lydia, a consumer-to-consumer payment application that has already attracted over 2.5 million users.

Libeo wins 2019 "Fintech of the Year" award

The solution developed by Libeo, which delivers major productivity gains and reduces payment times, won over the Pôle Finance Innovation Jury. The Jury was made up of 31 members representing the financial industry, as well as the 8 finalists who defended their projects (About Goods, Dejamobile, Eloa, Incube, Libeo, Limonetik, Recital and Tacotax).

A few months prior to the competition, Libeo announced a €2 million financing round, led by the Breega investment fund, the public investment bank Bpifrance and business angels. The platform, now used by some 50 companies including KissKissBankBank, Innovorder, Monoprix and Miznon, will be able to accelerate its growth, recruit new staff and offer new AI-based financial forecasting features.

A dynamic financial sector

At this major event in France, the Jury's "Coup de cœur" was won by Récital, a software publisher based on AI and automatic language processing for businesses. Once again, the Finance Innovation cluster witnessed the extraordinary dynamism of fintechs and their decisive role in the transformation and competitiveness of the financial industry. More than €354 million was raised in the first half of 2019 by these players, according to KPMG.

In 2020, Finance Innovation plans to strengthen partnerships between fintechs and financial industry players to accelerate the growth of finance startups.