The Creation-Business loan

Launched by Bpifrance, the "prêt d'honneur Création-Reprise" is part of the "Plan France Relance" and aims to support business start-ups, as well as strengthening the resources available to project leaders. What are its features? How can you benefit? All the answers.

What are the special features of the Création-Reprise honor loan?

The "prêt d'honneur Création-Reprise" was created by Bpifrance in partnership with the support and financing operators Initiative France, Adie, France Active and Réseau Entreprendre. It is a zero-interest loan (PTZ), ranging from 1,000 to 80,000 euros, with no guarantee on the assets of the business or its manager. The repayment period is flexible, ranging from 1 to 7 years, and the grace period from 0 to 18 months.

Any entrepreneur setting up or taking over a company can apply for a Création-Reprise honor loan to cover the needs of his or her professional activity, provided certain conditions are met.

Who can benefit?

To qualify for a prêt d'honneur Création-Reprise, the applicant must be an individual resident in France for tax purposes, who wishes to create, develop or take over a business. They must also meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Receive an honor loan from your support operator;
  • Being a company shareholder ;
  • Must not be registered in the FICP (fichier des incidents de remboursement des crédits aux particuliers);
  • Be accompanied by an operator designated by the region;
  • The PH Création-Reprise must be co-financed with one or more honor loans granted by a support operator, up to a maximum of one-third of the financing provided by these loans. Exceptionally, this ceiling will be raised to 50% in 2021.

Finally, it's important to know that all businesses, whatever their form (limited company, sole proprietorship, micro-business, etc.), have access to the Création-Reprise honor loan as long as they are not, or are not likely to be, the subject of collective insolvency proceedings.

However, the following are not eligible: associations, foundations and non-trading property companies. Certain business sectors are also excluded, such as exports, agriculture, real estate leasing and banking intermediation.

How to apply for the "prêt d'honneur Création-Reprise

To obtain this financing, you need to turn to a support and financing network: Adie, Initiative France or Réseau Entreprendre. On its website, Bpifrance offers a tool foridentifying the nearest office.

On average, it takes 10 days to receive a response from the network. Once the project owner's application has been accepted, the money is released within 48 hours and transferred to his or her bank account. It is then possible to repay the loan early, without fees or penalties.