The Agence de la Transition Ecologique has been entrusted with nearly 2 billion euros to help SMEs make the transition to a greener future and support their development. Its simplified scheme, called "Tremplin pour la transition écologique des PME", is slowly finding its audience.
A one-stop shop exclusively for companies with fewer than 250 employees
In a press release published on January 28, 2021, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and ADEME announced the launch of a first window to support small and medium-sized businesses in all areas of the ecological transition.
Under this scheme, ADEME offers companies with fewer than 250 employees the chance to check off a whole series of studies and investments.
These include studies on :
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
- corporate climate strategies,
- the purchase of waste reduction and management equipment,
- initiating an eco-design or sustainable mobility approach.
The companies concerned remain free to choose the actions they wish to implement to achieve these objectives.
Simple, fast and complementary help
This one-stop shop offers fast, simple assistance, in addition to any other aid available, such as " Diag Eco-Flux ", a personalized 12-month support program created by Bpifrance in conjunction with ADEME.
Assistance is available to all VSEs and SMEs established in France, with the exception of self-employed entrepreneurs, who are carrying out an eligible operation whose total cost exceeds the amount of assistance offered by ADEME. The project financed must relate exclusively to one or more investments and/or studies mentioned in the list predefined by ADEME. At the time of application, these must not already have been started, or ordered if the applicant is using an external service provider. Finally, the project must be spread over a maximum period of 18 months.
Eligible companies receive a grant of between 5,000 and 200,000 euros for each investment or study carried out. More specifically, an advance of 30% is paid on notification of the grant decision, and a final payment of 70% is made on completion of the project.
How can you take advantage of the scheme launched by ADEME?
To benefit from the "Springboard for the ecological transition of SMEs" scheme, companies must check their eligibility, then fill in a file listing all the studies and/or investments to be implemented.
A number of documents must be submitted with the application, including :
- the " ADEME Tremplin Transition Ecologique " file, a PDF file containing scanned estimates justifying the planned studies and investments,
- a bank details form.
To submit your application, simply log in or create an account on the ADEME website.