CVAE and CFE 2024: payment of 1st instalment by mid-June at the latest

Cotisation sur la valeur ajoutée des entreprises and cotisation foncière des entreprises are local taxes payable by professionals. They are generally paid in installments over the course of the year. The 1st installment of the CVAE and the 1st installment of the CFE are due on June 15 and 17, 2024 at the latest.

Which companies are concerned?

A company is liable for the CVAE if it meets the following conditions:

  • Carrying out an activity subject to CFE (self-employed professional activity carried out on a regular basis in France);
  • Annual pre-tax sales in excess of 500,000 euros, regardless of legal status or tax regime.

CFE is payable by companies and sole traders, including those operating from home or on their customers' premises. To be liable for CFE, the following conditions must be met:

  • Doing business in France ;
  • Carry on a regular professional activity;
  • The activity must be self-employed.

There are automatic and optional exemptions for both CVAE and CFE.

Electronic payment of CVAE and CFE

Companies subject to the CVAE tax can make an initial advance payment via their pro account when the amount due exceeds 1,500 euros. The instalment, paid no later than June 15, 2024 into the company's online tax account, is equal to half the contribution paid the previous year. The balance is paid no later than September 15, 2024.

Companies subject to CFE payments may pay a first instalment when the amount due exceeds 3,000 euros. The instalment, paid no later than June 17, 2024 via the company's online tax account, by monthly direct debit or in advance, is equal to half the CFE paid in 2023. The remaining CFE balance is due by December 15, 2024.


The CVAE will be definitively abolished in 2027

Initially scheduled for 2024, the abolition of the CVAE has finally been postponed to 2027, in accordance with the Finance Act for 2024. This elimination will be gradual, as half of all companies will no longer pay this tax as of this year. In fact, the minimum CVAE contribution was 63 euros in 2023, and has been abolished this year. As a result, no CVAE is due if its annual amount is less than or equal to 63 euros.

In order to maintain the resources of regional chambers of commerce and industry (CCI) benefiting from the additional tax on CVAE, the rate of the additional tax has been increased to 9.23% of the amount of CVAE in 2024, compared with 6.92% in 2023.