What are the 4 new mandatory statements on invoices?

Decree no. 2022-1299 of October 7, 2022 introduces 4 new mandatory statements on invoices, which all companies are required to bring up to standard as of now. A certain tolerance period will be applied by the tax authorities.

1. Customer's SIREN number

The 9-digit SIREN number, for "Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises", is a company's identifier. Issued at the time of registration and entry in Insee's Sirene database, it enables anyone to obtain legal and financial information on the structure concerned.

The SIREN number is included in the SIRET number, which is made up of 14 digits: the 9 digits of the SIREN number, followed by the 5 digits of the internal classification number (NIC), which are specific to each establishment owned by the same company.

For example, a company with a head office and two stores will be assigned a single SIREN number, but 3 SIRET numbers, one for each of its establishments.

Until now, although the SIREN number of the company issuing the invoice was already part of the compulsory information, there was no obligation to also indicate the customer's SIREN number. From now on, this number must appear on all invoices sent to professionals.

Please note: if the invoice is addressed to a company located outside France, in a member state of the European Union, it is also compulsory to mention its intra-Community VAT number.

2. Delivery address

This new requirement does not apply to the provision of services, but only to the sale of goods.

If the address to which the goods have been delivered is different from the billing address, it must now appear on the invoice.

3. Category of operation invoiced

The company issuing the invoice must now specify on the invoice which category the invoiced operation falls into.

There are 3 distinct categories of operation:

  • Services
  • Deliveries of goods
  • A mixed category combining the two above

4. The option to pay VAT on a debit basis

Companies subject to VAT, or value-added tax, are required to declare and pay it to the tax authorities on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

There are two ways of paying VAT:

  • Payment by debit
  • Payment on a cash basis

If the company chooses to pay on debit, it must pay the VAT as soon as the invoice is issued. This option has both advantages and disadvantages: it simplifies the company's accounting, and allows customers to deduct VAT even before they have paid it; on the other hand, payment on debit creates a cash flow gap.

Any company choosing this method of payment must now include the following statement on its invoices: "Option for payment of tax on debits".

Payment after collection, on the other hand, allows the company to wait for the invoice to be paid before transferring the VAT to the tax authorities. This payment method does not have to be mentioned on the invoice.

Decree no. 2022-1299 of October 7, 2022 on the widespread use of electronic invoicing in transactions between taxable persons subject to value-added tax.