Sick leave: liberals will be entitled to compensation as of July 1

From July 1, self-employed professionals will be able to receive daily benefits in the event of sick leave, thanks to a scheme provided for in the Social Security Financing Act for 2021. This scheme could benefit 1 million self-employed professionals.

A lasting solution to the health crisis

Back in March 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government introduced a daily allowance scheme for the liberal professions. At the time, this was a derogatory measure designed to compensate self-employed workers who had to cease their activity due to confinement, childcare or infection by Covid-19.

This provisional arrangement has prompted a review of healthcare coverage for self-employed workers, who were previously unable to claim any daily allowance during the first 3 months of sick leave.

The government has decided to introduce, as part of the Social Security Financing Act for 2021, a permanent compensation scheme for the liberal professions in the event of sick leave.

This scheme, common to all liberal professions with the exception of lawyers, who benefit from a specific regime, will come into force on July 1. To qualify, professionals must have been affiliated to a liberal professions scheme for at least one year.

A system similar to that for tradespeople

At the request of CIPAV, the Caisse interprofessionnelle de prévoyance et d'assurance vieillesse des professions libérales, the new compensation scheme for the liberal professions is very similar to that for tradesmen.

Contributions are collected by URSSAF. The contribution rate is set at 0.3% of the self-employed professional's sales (non-commercial profits), up to a limit of 3 times the annual Social Security ceiling, known as the Pass. The Pass is used as the reference value for calculating the social security contribution base.

In 2021, as benefits cannot be paid before July 1, the contribution rate will be just 0.15%.

The minimum contribution is set at around 50 euros a year, or 40% of the Pass. The maximum contribution will not exceed 370 euros per year. It will apply to self-employed workers whose income is at least equivalent to 3 Pass, i.e. 123,408 euros a year.

Daily allowances, which will be paid by the primary health insurance funds (CPAM), may not exceed 50% of the self-employed professional's annual income, up to a limit of 3 Pass. The maximum amount has been set at 169 euros per day, and the minimum at 22 euros per day.

These benefits can be paid up to the 90th day of sick leave, after a 3-day waiting period.